This article is in honor of my niece and her husband’s two boxers, Banks and Sophie, both of whom have recurrent grade I and II mast cell tumors. And now Banks has another type of mean cancer called epitheliotropic lymphoma.
This article is about Mast Cell Tumors in dogs (cats get them, too) but also cancer in general. When people hear the words cancer, and chemotherapy, sometimes their brains shut down. Cancer is the most common natural cause of death in dogs in the United States and Canada. And while the diagnosis is one that every pet lover dreads, the fact is that cancer is more treatable than ever before. With chemotherapy, I always tell people that for humans, chemotherapy is generally much more potent and has far more side effects than it does for our furry friends. Oncologists (cancer specialists) for people are trying to cure you so that you see your grandchildren graduate from college, while with pets we are hoping to prolong their life in a reasonable manner, sometimes curing them, and sometimes putting them in remission for quite a while but not until the grandchildren graduate from college!
I have been there as a pet owner, too. Just last year both my 14 year old and 4 year old cats developed lymphoma within a month of each other. The 14 year old was of such a feisty nature, we couldn’t do any form of therapy with her without us all being stressed out, while the 4 year old sailed through diagnostic testing and treatment and went into remission for 4 months (unfortunately he had feline leukemia virus which is why he developed cancer and passed away at such a young age). He would actually purr and head bump the nurses during chemotherapy visits. During the entire final four months of his life, he ate well, played with his human, feline, and canine housemates, and was well-loved. I find that pets often handle their diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment much better than their parents! I’d like to thank Gina Spadafori and Wendy Brooks, two veterinarians who helped me with this article.
Ways to help keep your pet healthier and less likely to develop cancer:
Make sure your pet has good nutrition, weight-management, and plenty of exercise. A fit dog will have palpable ribs, like running your hand across piano keys, a wasp-like waist and a tucked-in abdomen. A fit cat will not have a palpable pouch on its belly. (click here to see Purina's Body Condition Score)

Spay or neuter your pets early in life. Spaying and neutering have been shown to be an effective method of preventing cancer. Spaying has a significant effect of preventing breast cancer if it is done before a dog goes into her first heat cycle.
Choose clean living for your pets. Eliminate exposure to environmental carcinogens such as pesticides, coal or kerosene heaters, herbicides, passive tobacco smoke, asbestos, radiation and strong electromagnetic fields. Each one of these factors has been suggested to increase the risk of cancer in your pet (and in you).
Canine Mast Cell Tumors:
Mast cells are meant to participate in the war against parasites, as opposed to the war against bacterial or viral invaders. The mast cell possesses granules of especially inflammatory biochemicals meant for use against invading parasites. (Think of these as small bombs that can be released). When a parasite is near the mast cell, degranulates releasing its toxic biochemical weapons. These chemicals are harmful to the parasite plus serve as signals to other immune cells that a battle is in progress and for them to come and join in.
At least this is what is supposed to happen. Unfortunately, the mast cell system is also stimulated with other antigens that are of similar shape or size as parasitic antigens. These "next best" antigens are usually pollen proteins and the result is an allergy. Instead of killing an invading parasite, the mast cell biochemicals produce local redness, itch, swelling, and other symptoms we associate with allergic reactions. As if the mast cell isn't enough of a troublemaker in this regard, the mast cell can form a tumor made of many mast cells. When this happens, the cells of the tumor are unstable. This means they release their toxic granules with simple contact or even at random creating allergic symptoms that do not correlate with exposure to any particular antigen.

Diagnosis can often be made with a needle aspirate, which collects some cells of the tumor with a needle, and the cells are examined under the microscope. The granules have distinct staining characteristics and can be recognized easily. An actual tissue biopsy, however, is needed to grade the tumor; grading is crucial to determining prognosis.
More about grading tumors, prognosis and treatment in upcoming blog!
By: Dr. Dana Lewis